Saturday 16 June 2012

Foundation Diploma Work and Evening

My mixed media Geisha print and painting

My Fabric Origami Cranes

Jewellery boxes I made and embellished with home made paper and beads and buttons 

This is a continuous wallpaper print which was inspired by the Japanese Ginkgo Tree leaves
Embellished with rhinestones to give a glittering effect in the light. 

I decided to have a go at making fabric crane earrings

I made this screen from scratch ... The inserts are screenprinted by myself then I embroidered around the flowers and grass to give a more artistic effect.

This is a hairclip which I made from fabrics which I did various processes on including burning

A necklace which I made

All the items on a bit of tree which we had just cut down in the garden

I wanted to make a bolster cushion ... 

This is a piece which I made as a hair band ... the flower can be made to go onto any jewellery .

This is my final display for the Art Show 

Here we are myself and my two Maiko :)

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